Dopis – AUSTRIAGUIDES areaspecific – FEG (6.11.2019)
Dopis – redarstvo (6.11.2019)
Dopis – areaspecific – CROATIA (21.3.2019)
Croatian Tourist Guide Association
Ms. Kristina Nuić Prka
Pavla Subica 20, , ZAGREB, Croatia
E mail:
Subject: Cooperation regarding area specific knowledge and control
Dear colleagues,
Thank you very much for your cooperation in the last events. It is great to have a partner and to share international experience and knowledge.
Here is another suggestion:
We are all professionals and we follow the standard of our profession as well as the standard of the tourist guide training.
In some EU member states the tourist guide profession is not regulated, in others rules are loose, in third ones the rules are very clear and supported by local government as well (like Cyprus). However, we think, as an association of professionals, as well as our members, we should respect our profession, our standards no matter what local legislation says: we should follow our professional code of ethics.
That means, we should encourage our members that they act as tourist guide only in their area –the specific region and in the others as a tour manager only. In December, we have noticed many guides from Croatia, who guided their tours in Croatian, English or German in Ljubljana as well.
Let us know, what you think about this proposal. I will share it among WFTGA members at our convention in Georgia as well. Your support, support of your delegate would be much appreciated.
Kindly awaiting your response, best regards from Slovenia,
Mateja Kregar Gliha President