Bovec stories
The guided walk through the center of Bovec rich with history and stories of certain town houses. The tour ends in the museum collection »Zgodbe Stergulčeve hiše« (»Stergulc house stories«).
Duration: 1,5 – 2 h
Price: EUR 15 per person (discount for seniors, students, children and families)
Minimum number of participants: 2 persons
Maximum number of participants: 15 persons
Contact: Katja Mrakič, 00386 31 555 416, smaragdnosocasje@gmail.com
Programme: An important road connection has had a huge impact on the development of crafts, tourism … bakers, tradesmen, butchers, coachmen, mayors, innkeepers, hotel managers …
Once newcomers, locals have significantly been affecting the appearance of the actual center of Bovec for the past two hundred years. The town’s center has a special story to tell, dubbed »Plec ima eno pusebno zgodbo« … its echo can be heard and seen in the Stergulc museum collection.
Stories of the Miners in Log pod Mangartom
Take a ride with us to the »knap« history! The Knap tradition in Bovec is very powerful. Strmec, Log pod Mangartom, Bovec »knapi« have been mining in the depths of Monte Re for centuries. Perhaps they have been invited by gold?
Duration: 3–4 h
Price: EUR 25 per person (discount for seniors, students, children and families)
Number of participants: 2–7 persons
Feel free to listen to the knap story. Our trip starts in Log pod Mangartom and continues on the once important road connection over the Predel pass into a former mining town of Rabelj.
To the end the journey through history, let us leave ourselves to the tastes of Bovec sheep cheese and curd at the Tourist Eco farm Černuta in Log pod Mangartom.

Upper Soča valley hiking tours
You are also kindly invited on the other guided hiking tours in the upper Soča valley on the following trails: the Soča trail, the Alpe-Adria trail, the Walk of peace trail that leads to water grooves, waterfalls, and to the River Soča and its streams and gorges.
Emerald river Soča
Breathtaking scenery, crystal clear river, that is refreshingly cold, winds after one of the most beautiful valleys in the Julian Alps.